Buy the Ticket. Take the Ride. Eat all the Cheese


I just returned from an amaaaazing trip to the French and Swiss alps with my sisters and friends. (Yes I will brag about this for a while, buckle up.) The part that I didn't publish on my social media highlights is that I actually had a lot of fear and resistance leading up to this trip, so much so I almost didn't go.

I was afraid of injuring myself again just 10 weeks after spinal surgery. I conjured images of slipping a disc while throwing my suitcase on a train and ending up in the hospital overseas. 

In the throes of making big moves in my business, I was afraid everything would fall apart while I was gone. Being a one-woman show, my business is me.

Lastly, two days before my departure, my dog, Neko, got really sick. The vet gave me two different scenarios: one in which he could be totally fine, another in which she spoke of mortality rates and prepared me for the worst.

Tentatively, I got on the plane… and had the trip of a lifetime. And guess what? Aside from a small cold and a little jet lag, my body is fine. My project list is still here. Neko, I'm happy to say, is happy and healthy with the help of some steroids (and Aaron, thank you).

This all boils down to making decisions based on intuition rather than fear, what I imagine will be a lifelong practice.

Ultimately I knew none of these things were real problems, yet, and the thoughts were all stemming from a fearful self that was just trying to protect me. So, I kindly thanked her, asked her to pipe down for a minute, and went in the direction of love and adventure.

I don't know much French, but I am embracing ‘cliché’: Buy the ticket. Take the ride. Eat all the cheese.*


Ciera Krinke

At Digital Box Designs we specialize in all things Squarespace web design, and optimize your site through thoughtful and strategic copywriting and search engine optimization.

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